Reflecting the work of CIOMS over the past decades, this glossary is an organized collection of the terms and definitions included in published CIOMS Working Group reports, with a focus on pharmacovigilance. It includes links to the reports and, where applicable, provides references to the sources from which the definitions were adopted or modified. The 75th Anniversary Edition covers the terms included in fifteen different CIOMS reports published between 1992 and 2024. It does not cover CIOMS reports on the subjects search ethics, pharmacogenetics, clinical pharmacology, publications on the development and use of standardised MedDRA® queries (SMQs), or publications resulting from CIOMS Roundtable Discussions (1967–1997).
Corrigendum: On page 66, in the current definition of ‘Number needed to harm (NNH)’, the last sentence should read: “Thus, on average, 25 people would need to be treated for one year for one person to experience a harmful event (1 in 25 people =4%).” The downloadable file was corrected on 6 September 2024.
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If you are interested in obtaining this glossary in an editable format, please contact us at [email protected].