Composition of the Working Group

The Working Group consisted of 10 members, one chair (President of CIOMS), four advisers from WHO, UNESCO, COHRED and World Medical Association (WMA) and one professional secretary, who was the writer. The members have one (or more) of the following backgrounds:

  • physician
  • clinical researcher
  • medical ethicist
  • expert in international  health law
  • young scientist or physician

The composition of the WG was such that different cultural perspectives were present and a gender balance was reached. A person representing the patient perspective was also present. In particular, adding a WMA advisor ensured close collaboration between CIOMS and WMA. Currently, the WMA is revising its Declaration of Helsinki. The close collaboration aimed to prevent inconsistencies between the two documents.
Below is a list of the members of the Working Group, together with their respective photo, short biography, CIOMS Code of Conduct form, and Declaration of Interests form:


Hans van Delden

Hans van Delden


Rieke van der Graaf

Rieke van der Graaf


Anant Bhan

Anant Bhan

Eugenijus Gefenas

Eugenijus Gefenas

Dirceu Greco

Dirceu Greco

David Haerry

David Haerry

Bocar Kouyate

Bocar Kouyate

Alex London

Alex London

Ruth Macklin

Ruth Macklin

Annette Rid

Annette Rid

Rodolfo Saracci

Rodolfo Saracci

Aissatou Toure

Aissatou Toure


Abha Saxena, WHO

Dafna Feinholz, UNESCO

Urban Wiesing, WMA

Hans-Joerg Ehni (Alternate), WMA

Carel IJsselmuiden, COHRED


Ingrid Callies