We are delighted to announce that Ms. Connie Rees from the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands, received the CIOMS annual award 2018 of US$ 1500 for the best scientific article published by a medical student in the areas of pharmacovigilance and/or research ethics. She is the joint first author of a paper published in the peer-reviewed journal, Tropical Medicine and International Health, in December 2018, entitled “The willingness to participate in biomedical research involving human beings in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review”. Connie is currently in the final stages of completing her medical degree within the SUMMA master’s programme (Selective Utrecht Medical Master). Once she finishes, she will graduate as a medical doctor and a clinical researcher, and going forward, she hopes to combine a clinical career in medicine with a career in research. Her aspiration is to continue in the fields of gynaecology and obstetrics, ideally with a research focus relating to maternal and global health. We wish Ms. Rees all the best for her future.
CIOMS is continuing to receive applications for the 2019 annual award.